Kolom : English Time !


Kurang lebih tiga tahun yang lalu, sebelum dua kali pergantian kepengurusan, GP sebenarnya memiliki English Club. Keren ya? Pencetusnya adalah Mbak Nabila Munsyarihah yang tulisannya tentang Krapyak juga dimuat di blog ini. Saat itu mungkin mbaknya ingin menyuruhku berbakti dan mengabdi ke pondok, sekaligus berbagi ilmu yang masih dangkal ini, dengan membuat suatu club yang pembelajaran bahasa Inggrisnya bisa menyenangan. Akhirnya kami membuka pendaftaran dan banyak juga Mbak-mbak, panggilan untuk “Guys-sapaan” di GP, yang ingin bergabung.
Pertemuan demi pertemuan pun dijalani. Kegiatannya juga bermacam-macam, mulai dari belajar melafalkan A, I, U, E, O hingga spelling bee, dari menghafalkan kosakata hingga menulis karangan.

Namun seperti yang telah diduga English Club tidak bertahan lama karena ketidak-isqomahan berbagai pihak, akhirnya diliburkan untuk jangka waktu yang tidak terbatas. J
English Club mulai dimunculkan lagi pada kepengurusan selanjutnya. Karena notabene saya dimasukkan ke divisi Pengembangan Sumber Daya Santri (PSDS) jadi saya pikir Mbak-mbak Santri memang membutuhkan Bahasa Inggris sebagai salah satu kompetensi di luar pondok. Akhirnya English Club dimulai lagi dengan format yang tidak beda jauh dengan generasi pendahulunya. Dan diliburkan juga untuk kedua kalinya.
Hingga kepengurusan selanjutnya, yaitu yang sekarang, saya sudah malas memulai kegiatan lagi tanpa komitmen dari semua pihak. Namun semangat belajar tentu saja menjadi dasar yang harus dimiliki semua santri. Prinsip Tholabul ‘Ilmi dan kesadaran bahwa zaman sekarang anak TK saja sudah mahir berbahasa Inggris membuat orang semakin berlomba-lomba. Bahkan yang pintar berbahasa Inggris saja sudah mulai insecure dan ingin mempelajari bahasa asing lainnya. Apalagi yang tidak bisa berbahasa Inggris. Secara pribadi saya lelah kalau mengajar dengan mengejar materi yang tak seberapa. Rasanya rendah dan tidak bahagia. Jadi saya hanya ingin berbagi.

Hanya beberapa menit jarkoman pendaftaran forum English di beberapa grup sudah penuh. Kuota satu forum hanya 5 orang dan forum tidak akan dimulai jika kelima-limanya tidak lengkap kehadirannya. Alhamdulillah sudah lumayan istiqomah, cara belajarnya dibuat langsung praktik sehingga tidak membosankan. Saya harap keistiqomahan ini terus berjalan dan teman-teman yang ikut benar-benar merasakan manfaatnya. Jadi inilah yang kami kerjakan pada pertemuan terakhir: Ulasan mengenai para ustadz Gedung Putih yang sangat berjasa pada kami. Belum semua Ustadz karena anggota kami hanya lima, namun semoga tidak ada kekeliruan yang berarti pada ulasan ini sehingga saya meminta maaf apabila ada siapapun yang kurang berkenan. 

With some edits, here are the writings
by: FN
Here I would like to describe our diligent teacher whom we fully respect, Mr. Nasrudin. He is one of very sincere teachers that I have ever met. The fact that he is still young doesn’t make him to be arrogant or vicious teacher, but he makes us very comfortable in learning. He is never angry knowing sometimes we fall asleep during the class. He also never shows his disappointment when we don’t respond him properly, instead he always tried to make the class happy with little jokes and stories. He lets us to ask literally about everything and answers the questions patiently until we completely understand. His sincerity and spirit is really proven when he kept teaching us although the rain is very heavy out there. I hope I can be better and more diligent in attending and studying in the class.

by: TM
Gus Ghofur is the son of Mbah Maimoen Zubair and the son in law of Ibu Lutfiah. Altough he was only teaching us for one year because he had to move to Sarang and build Islamic boarding school there, but he is one of my favorite teachers in Gedung Putih. The way he taught made me understand what is written in Kitab. He always added explanation about the topic through history and knowledge he got from other resources even about biography of Hadith interprets. Besides I like his teaching, he inspires us to be humble and determined.

by: TD
Mr. Sahiron is a lecturer in UIN Suka who teaches in the Faculty of Islamic Theology. He teaches Manba’us Sa’adah dan Ta’lim. He is smart and I like the way he matches traditional perspective with the modern one especially about Al-Quran study. His explanation is very holistic. He is also humble and friendly. He respects those who are different with him. Although he is very busy, he still spares his time to Gedung Putih as the matter of responsibility. I like him so much.

by: AS
K.H Abdul Mustqim is a lecturer in the faculty of theology at state Islamic university yogyakarta in major hadith interpretation. He lives in Imogiri . He is a religious teacher whom I think is very good in conveying the contents of the book because in conveying of material he corresponds to the language and context of academia . Besides, he also has a different teaching method that is not only listenng but asking the students to read and write important points by dividing the students into several groups. This makes the learning process becomes alive and I think this method is in accordance with student. The other side that I caught from him is his love to family because in every learning he would tell about his wife and their children development in boarding school. His figure is firm and nice in appearance, one of the uniqueness from him is a black jacket and cap a variety of colors.

by: AR
Well, I hope that this is the correct impression to our beloved teacher, Mr. Ikhsan. He is a seriously smart person, who loves to read books. He has a lot of knowledge about everything from traditional to modern perspective. However I still admit that he has a strict principle towards Fiqh, with no dispensation. But it doesn’t make him look scary. He taught us with enthusiasm and fun way so it makes us comfortable to hear what he taught.
